A non-profit Christian organization dedicated to empowering Kenya Nationals to achieve freedom from poverty and disease

Child Sponsorship Levels
Project Kenya is adding new Children every month to our Child Sponsorship Program, and to support that growth we need more Sponsors LIKE YOU.
Grade School Students - $25.00 a month or $300.00 a year
will help a grade school student go through school not having to worry about not having food, water, or school supplies.
High School Students - $30.00 a month or $360.00 a year
will help a high school student go through high school with a greater chance at college, and a better career.
School fees are paid directly to the school account for each child. School uniforms, school supplies, and food are either picked up at the Project Kenya office or delivered personally. This program continues to help hundreds of children out of the cycle of poverty and despair. The child sponsor program disbursements are managed through the Nyeri, Kenya office.
How Does Child Sponsorship Work?
1) The person who desires to sponsor a child (or children) fills out an application form either on the website or on paper and sends it to Project Kenya.
2) The Project Kenya Team will connect the Sponsor with a child in need based on the application, and the Sponsor will receive a
picture and instructions in the mail.
3) Once the Project Kenya Team receives the first payment, the processing begins, which includes…
- visiting the child, notifying them of their sponsorship, and verifying their needs
- visiting the child’s home and assessing needs (are the care-givers willing to encourage the child to do their homework, make sure the child is clean, safe, and reports daily to school)
- visiting the child’s school and assessing their progress (options for the child to attend a better school are looked at - in some cases, a boarding school may be a better option)
- the entire process may take up to three months, but the child’s needs are being met as this takes place
4) Photographs and letters are taken at Bible Camp each year, and videos will be loaded on You Tube for the Sponsor to see the child’s progress. Sponsors are also encouraged to write letters.
5) Most Sponsors commit to support their child through high school. Some Sponsors have even wanted to help with college
expenses as well after seeing the child grow up and do well.
6) Sponsors will receive a renewal letter each year with mailing labels for support payments, as well as their giving statement for the year for tax purposes.
NOTE: In the event that a sponsor is no longer able to sponsor their child, Project Kenya needs to be notified as soon as possible. The Project Kenya Team works hard to find a new sponsor for the child quickly.
Project Kenya Bible Camp
Project Kenya holds an anuual Vacation Bible school in Nyeri, Kenya.

Child Sponsorship Form
Don't Delay much longer a Child needs your help TODAY!
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