A non-profit Christian organization dedicated to empowering Kenya Nationals to achieve freedom from poverty and disease
Partnership is when like minded people join together to accomplish a task or meet a need that is greater than what they could do on their own. When you partner with Project Kenya Inc, you are making a commitment to regularly support the ministry through your giving and prayer.
You may not have the time or ability to travel around the world with us, but when you provide financial support - whatever the amount - you become a big part of reaching people for Christ. It's because of our faithful partners that we are able to help children and their families, share the message of Jesus Christ, and love people through-out Kenya. Thank you!
Project Kenya is a 501c3 non-profit Christian organization dedicated to empowering Nationals to achieve freedom from poverty and disease.​
We seek to facilitate relationships between Christ’s church around the world through various projects which motivate positive change in social issues.
Project Kenya exists to Glorify God, by serving along side the local church. Reaching out to the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people.

Another year of hope and love. Kenyan villages come in many shapes and sizes. Some are small off the map communities with few roads or supplies, difficult to find and even more challenging to reach. We strive to help young people grow to their full potential. One of our young men who grew up in the program said “I look around my village and realize that I have been given a chance in life. So many of my friends who did not receive help continue to live in the same cycle of despair. I am so grateful that Jesus heard my prayers and sent a sponsor to provide an education that has changed my life.” We pray that through the many Ministries offered through Project Kenya that many lives will be changed, in ways to restore people to Jesus Christ, and provide hope for a bright future.
Jesus gave us the blueprint when he said these words “a new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another”
John 13:34-35
Our world desperately needs revival. Pray that God will use this ministry to raise up a generation of children, who will dedicate their lives to bringing people to Jesus. Thank you for your support and prayers.